
Illinites are a series of events held at the Illini Union every month. A design for an Illinite consists of the left being the event information and remains constant in treatment with the right being a more creative graphic that encompasses the theme of that month's Illinite.

Motion Graphics

For a some of the social media posts that go on the Illini Union’s accounts, they are made to be animated GIFs. I work in After Effects to create an animation for a specific event that is occurring at the Illini Union

Cart Graphics

The Illini Union Bookstore is getting a cart to use during events and the clients at the Bookstore had no specific design prompts. The only direction I was given was to incorporate the art styles that I had been exploring in previous projects.


Typically for a client, I would make an initial proof and then rework it to fit the many different printed and digital formats that they are requesting from printed posters to social media graphics